Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The question is WHY? We don't know why we always forget to do something which is important or not. As we know, as like people said, "Time is Money". People always catch up time, but there is always something wrong. Do you know that? Sometimes we want to do this stuff, but we forget about it, and do that stuff, then forget it. 

Causes of our forgetfulness

1. We are too focus to do something.
When we are thinking about what we want to do, we always be focus on something else. Such as: we want to do 'A', but on our mind, we think 'B' first, then 'B' and 'B' again. So, our brain will lose control and finally, we forget to do 'A'.

2. We just do things we like.
With doing our hobbies, we always be glad to do that. Why? Because of our feeling. Usually we're uncomfortable with doing something boring, so we feel like ignore it. Our brain is responding something that we always think continuously. So, something that we like, we always think about it and always wanted to get it. This is bad for us, because if there are some important things that we should do, but we can just forget about them because of something what we love to do.

3. Senile in old age.
Old age is also very influential in the volume of our brains. Memories in old age will be reduced, because our brains are less able to process our memory, so when we are in old age, we can get the symptoms of senile dementia. Like we are doing something, but 1 last minute we forget what we just did.


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