Friday, July 4, 2014


Sleep is a passive activity that people do to rest awhile. However, sometimes, some people feel the difference while sleeping. The differences in question are awakened from sleep, but it is hard to move or cry out, just like they want to wake up from the sleep, but something is holding them.

Sleep Paralysis is a condition of man in a half-conscious, so he was stuck in a conscious state in the real world and humans are not conscious or aware of the real world in the world of his dreams. People who experience it are certainly very awful, because on a status Sleep Paralysis, they get a vision and hearing are terrible and sinister, the eyes closed and half-conscious, they heard a strange sound like a knock at the door, a table, a floor over and over but increasingly hard, and got a face like a spooky sight. Sleep Paralysis can occur in both men and women and this is the first sleep disorders can occur at age 14 – 18 years.

According to medical, Sleep Paralysis is a condition in which a person gets sleep paralysis caused by their physical state is very tired. So they can't do anything because it is a very weak body condition and not nervous response in full. They can only be silence for 1 minute to 3 minutes in a half-conscious state. But very painful if they are silent, because they had the vision and hearing that horrible, except they can withstand and deal with it.

According to ancient beliefs, Sleep Paralysis caused by the activity of the spirit or jin. Those who experienced it, caused by the oppression of the spirit comes on them and held him until they couldn't do anything, such as their chests were detained until shortness of breath. The oppression/the pressure takes place in a matter of seconds to minutes. At the time, their eyes closed but in the condition and State of the semiconscious leads them to experience hallucinations such as seeing Black shadows around the bed and strange noises.

The conclusion of these sleep disorders is still a mysterious thing at this time. Many researchers have posited their research results, but their research is not always correct, because there has been no clear evidence. Some people also believe these sleep disorders caused by evil spirits. However, not all the evil spirits, because some say that the oppression/the pressure of spirit comes from the spirit of our descendants or the spirit of our families who have passed on in perpetuity. Some people see an alien around them when they are in half sleeping.

Sleep disorders is certainly needs to look out for and should not be taken lightly as well. Although uncommon, it is a sign of sleep disorders narcolepsy, i.e. sudden sleep attacks without any sign of drowsiness. In a State body which are very tired, they can experience it in a fast, by the time they're baring on the bed, they have not closed my eyes to them, but in a matter of seconds, they will inadvertently closed my eyes because it was feeling very tired, and at that time they got a dark vision and hearing strange noises like the sound of a knock at the door, the sound of scraping knife, the sound of screaming women who increasingly hard and other strange noises. Of course, all of the sound and vision is the hallucination their current stage of Sleep Paralysis.

In General, the causes of Sleep Paralysis is the lack of sleep, keep in mind, the need for sleep is 8-10 hours every night. Sleep Paralysis is always and usually occur on how to position one's sleep, generally occurs in the position of sleeping on your back (face facing upwards as a person who fell asleep in his sleep).

Mexico, called ' se subio el muerto ' me. A belief in the existence of the incident as the ghosts of those who died and are attached to a person.

Iceland, called ' mara ' which is the ghost that occupies one's chest in the evening and the ghosts try to make these people blown to death.

Japan, namely ' karabasan '. Belief that mentions a person bound by the spirit so that it can not do anything.

China, called ' gui ya shen ' which is a ghost or spirit interference which suppresses a person's body.

Afro-Americans, sleep disorders is called ' the devil riding your back '. The spirit or ghost which is up the shoulder of the person.

New Guinea, sleep disorders this is a phenomenon which is called "Suk Ninmyo '. The sacred tree of life of the human spirit and human spirit of eating at night so as not to disturb people in the daytime. However, usually the person being hunted this tree will wake up and Sleep Paralysis occurs.


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